Indian powerlifter sets new world record in Masters' event

Indian powerlifter sets new world record in Masters' event
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In an inspiring feat, a 45-year-old Indian powerlifter has set a new world record in the recently-held WPC World Championships and World Cup.

Daljit Singh, a resident of Delhi, has registered records in his name in the Masters' category by performing a 300-kg squat at the WPC World Championships held at Manchester (UK) before pulling a 270-kg deadlift at the WPC World Cup in Kyrgyzstan.

The World Powerlifting Congress (WPC) World Championships were held from October 31-November 5, while the WPC World Cup was organised on November 18-19.

Daljit, who is also the president of the India unit of WPC, already has 22 international medals to his name, apart from holding five world records in powerlifting.

Daljit, who has been awarded by the governments of Kyrgyzstan and Egypt for his contribution towards powerlifting and its further promotion by bringing along players from India, says he wishes to continue his weight training sessions with an aim to win more medals in the coming times.

(The content of this article is sourced from a news agency and has not been edited by the ap7am team.)

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