Telangana American Telugu Association forms new board for 2019-2022

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As the state of Telangana flourishes with development and growth, the focus now shifts to promoting, preserving, perpetuating the heritage of the people of Telangana and Telugu origin. Taking a cue an organization makes its way towards the same principles.
Since its inception Telangana American Telugu Association has been in the forefront of community service, bringing cohesiveness and promoting the Telangana culture. With over 200 events in the last 4 years the association is being accredited of satisfying community needs.

A glittering ceremony marked the board meeting of Telangana American Telugu Association in Aria Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV where over 150 members converged the board meeting.
The leadership of Telangana American Telugu Association oversaw the logistics, Dr. Pailla Malla Reddy the Pharma giant from New York chaired the board meeting of Telangana American Telugu Association.

Dr. Pailla Malla Reddy Chair of Advisory Council announced the new board and Executive Committee. He welcomed the members and thanked them for being part of the board meeting. He emphasized that Telangana American Telugu Association to focus towards community service, and increasing the membership for this year. He welcomed the young leadership into TATA and encouraged them to reach out to all corners of the North America and invite them to become members of TATA. He requested the members to selflessly work as a team and attain the set goals and objectives of Telangana American Telugu Association.
The outgoing President Dr. Haranath Policherla felt highly contented and explained all the achievements during his tenure. The members congratulated Dr. Haranath Policherla for his selfless service towards the organization.

Dr. Pailla Malla Reddy appointed the following as Board of Directors (BODs) and the oath ceremony was administered by Dr. Mohan Patalolla, Advisory Council member.

Vikram Jangam, Bharath Madadi, Vamshi Reddy, Srinivas Ganagoni Mahesh Adibhatla, Ranjeeth Kyatam, Neelohita Kotha, Suresh Venkannagari, Harinder Tallapalli, Srinivas Manapragada, Usha Mannem, Chandra Police, Ravinder Nagulagari, Sharath Vemuganti, Narender Metuku, Naveen Malipeddi, Chandrashekhar Palla, Venkat Gaddam, Naveen Goli, Pradeep Mettu, Prasad Kunarapu, Ramana Ummadi, Satish Mekala, Sahodhar Reddy, Sreekanth Akkipalli, Venkat Aekka.
Dr. Vijayapal Reddy, AC member outlined the core expectations from each Telangana American Telugu Association Board of Director (TATA BOD).

Dr. Pailla Malla Reddy later announced the Executive Committee list and announced Vikram Jangam as the President for 2019-2021 along with the other Executive Committee:
- Bharath Madadi, President-Elect
- Vamshi Reddy, Executive Vice-President
- Srinivas Ganagoni, General Secretary
- Mahesh Adibhatla, Executive Director
- Ranjeeth Kyatam, Treasurer
- Neelohita Kotha, Joint-Secretary
- Suresh Venkannagari, Joint-Treasurer
- Harinder Tallapalli – International Vice President
- Srinivas Manapragada – Executive Coordinator
Vikram Jangam took charge of the affairs as president of Telugu American Telugu Association and addressed the board members, Vikram Jangam in his maiden speech as President declared that he will work selflessly and uphold values of ethics and the constitution. He laid out the planned activities for the upcoming 2 years and requested all members to support his presidency.

He thanked Chair Dr. Malla Reddy Pailla, Advisory Council members, and others for resting trust on him and letting him spearhead the organization. He outlined the below objectives

• Telangana American Telugu Association community outreach for Telangana and Telugu families in North America,

• Promoting youth by involving them in Telangana American Telugu Association activities,

• Inducting members of over 5000 in North America,

• Provide support to mainstream people in North America

• Telangana American Telugu Association Seva Days to be held biennially in the state of Telangana.
Srinivas Ganagoni, General Secretary, in his opening remarks, said the board should work as a team and plan Community Service events across North America and also focus on increasing the membership.
The board later appointed Standing Committee Chairs, Regional Vice-Presidents and Regional Coordinators. Many directors and Telangana American Telugu Association members occasioned their views unequivocally to strengthen Telangana American Telugu Association and to ensure that Telangana American Telugu Association works for the cause of Telangana and Telugu community in North America and the Telugu states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The meeting was later adjourned by President Vikram Jangam.
Press release by: IndianClicks, LLC

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