IMD forecasts normal rainfall during this monsoon season

New Delhi: The monsoon season is about to begin in the country in a few more weeks. In this backdrop, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has released the latest forecasts. According to its prediction, in 2022 it will rain normally. Between June and September, most parts of the country receive rainfall.

In terms of the long-term average (LPA), the southwest monsoon in the country provides 99 per cent rainfall, IMD said. At the same time, northeastern India, many parts of northwestern India and many parts of the south will receive below normal rainfall. However, the IMD said that it would not have such an impact on rainfed agricultural activities, with normal and above normal rainfall in many parts of the country.

The monsoon season is considered normal with a long-term average rainfall of 87 per cent between 1987 and 2020, and rainfall between 96 and 104 per cent. This time there is a 40 per cent chance of normal rainfall, a 15 per cent chance of above normal rainfall and a 5 per cent chance of maximum rainfall, the IMD said in its latest report. It is therefore estimated that there is a 60 per cent chance of widespread rainfall.

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