Daily report on Public Health Measures taken for Novel Corona Virus Infection prevention and control

WHO has declared the recent Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) epidemic affecting 65 countries as International Public Health Emergency of International concern (PHEIC). In this context, Government of Telangana has strengthened the surveillance and control measures against the disease, as per the national guidelines. Situation in Telangana 18224 travellers are screened at the shamshabad airport, Hyderabad. Out of 445 passengers, 100 passengers completed 28days observation, along with One Positive patient 36 other suspects got admitted at Gandhi Hospital and remaining 408 are under home quarantine for 28 days.

So far, with regard to the Positive patient 86 Contacts have been successfully traced out and kept under Surveillance. Till now, 155 samples have been taken from passengers and 118 found negative, One Positive and remaining 36 suspects results are awaited. The health status of the suspects who are under observation at home and hospitals are stable. Cabinet sub committee meeting is held on 03-03-2020 at MCHRD, Jubilee Hills , the following decisions have been taken;

  • In addition to 3 designated hospitals, Military hospital, TB sanitorium Vikarabad and all teaching hospitals around Hyderabad are identified for isolation and treatment for Covid-19 suspects.
  • 100 crore budget is allocated to meet the emergencies
  • Extensive awareness activities are to be carried out by setting up of Hoarding, advertising in print & electronic media, cinema halls, railway stations, bus stations and audio-visual aids
  • 104 is set up as state COVID-19 Helpline
  • Officers will be designated as Nodal Officers from 9 line Departments for inter departmental co-ordination and implementation

Preventive measures:
The general public are advised to adhere to health advisories issued by the Government from time to time. Public should follow the cough etiquette by covering the face using handkerchief / towel while sneezing / coughing. Do frequent handwashing with soap and water. Those who have arrived from the coronavirus affected countries should remain under strict home isolation for 28 days from the date of arrival in India, irrespective of whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic. Universal Thermal Screening:

It has now been decided, In view of community spread of the disease, to expand the Universal screening to all the passengers coming in flights directly from Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Nepal, Iran and Italy besides the flights from China and Hongkong. State control room Further, State has strengthened the Surveillance and Control measures against the disease. State Helpline 040-24651119 is functional, 721 calls received as on date .

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